Web Development

Digital - Lunca

I specialize in front-end web development while expanding my skills as a full stack developer. I enjoy creative problem solving through code, project organization, and using the principles of design with basic psychology to direct a user confidently through an interface. My skills further expand into the realm of graphic design, marketing, video editing, and digital portraiture - elements essential to produce a branded digital presence.

Below contains a brief summary of my most recent works. The digital moth portrait was sketched and painted digitally in photoshop. For project inquiries, please contact me at jillwallitschek@gmail.com. I am looking forward to learning about your company, your project, and your unique development needs.

Digital - Luna



As a start-up, I have had the privilege to work on much of the front-end development for SummitVR™. We provide immersive and powerful data visualization as well as custom virtual reality experiences. In addition to this development, I work to produce marketing and advertising material. All of this work unifies the SummitVR™ brand.

Icons / Branding



SummitVR™ in itself can be used as a valuable marketing and information presentation tool. Much of the graphics produced for advertising can be created in the software already. My job has been to showcase these features. To help the viewer understand what an immersive, 3D experience might feel like through a 2D graphic.

custom environments vr data visualization vr custom environments vr 2 vr modules



Videos & Narration

In addition to some audio narration, I have produced short clips to show off the capabilities of SummitVR™. Recordings of these videos utilize the Smooth Camera built into SummitVR™ making video recording easy. The following videos were produced more recently as of December 2021.

Older Works